Website to Showcase Albury CBD Offerings

Albury's Central Business District the focus of a new website and branding. Photo: TruPics

A new website has been launched and branding revealed to offer a united approach to promoting Albury’s Central Business District and help drive day trip visitations and overnight stays.

AlburyCBD Facebook Cover branding

Chair of Activate Albury and owner of The Essential Ingredient, Barry Young says the website aims to build Albury CBD’s digital presence through a website, social media and the hashtag #AlburyCBD.

“This will help promote the Albury CBD as a major retail and cultural regional centre, with the important tag line that Albury CBD is the capital of regional Australia,” Barry said.

Details of the website and branding revealed to the business community.

“It’s where we see ourselves positioned in the marketplace.

“Albury CBD and the Albury region has all the elements to make that a reality. What will hold us back is if we don’t have the self-belief that we can get to that, so we’ll continue to push that line in all our communications.”

The website includes a range of business categories, individual business listings, maps and blogs designed for visitors to easily source information.

“The key things we hope to promote are quality, confidence, sophistication and a welcoming spirit,” Barry said

The website includes categories such as Eat, Play, Shop, Service, Lifestyle and Stay.

“It’s designed to encourage people to dig a little deeper to find out what’s available within those categories and explore further into our Albury CBD.”

For more on AlburyCBD and to explore their website visit: